Hello! Thanks for visiting our website! We are a friendly group of Bible-based believers who meet regularly in the East of Coventry.

We read about God's teachings (set out in the Bible) and try and follow the example of his son the Lord Jesus Christ. We would love to share the wonderful message of hope contained in the Bible with you.

Christadelphians are a worldwide community with a common faith. Here in East Coventry we number around 80 members. To find out more about our beliefs and what the name Christadelphians means:

Click here

Public Bible Talk

We have an informative and engaging public Bible talk each Sunday at 10am. The talk will last about 30 minutes and will be on a core Bible subject or relevant topical issue from a Biblical perspective. After this you are welcome to stay and share refreshments with us.

Breaking of Bread

We meet every Sunday at 11.15am for a service where baptised members share bread and wine to remember the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We call this the Breaking of Bread.

Bible Study Class

On Wednesdays at 8pm we have a Bible class, where we are led in an in depth study of a different subject each week.

If you are unable to attend in person, you can also join any of our meetings on Zoom.
Please get in touch with us if you would like the details to join.

Free Bible Reading Planner

It can be very hard to know where to start reading the Bible. A Bible reading plan can help give some structure as you read, in order that takes in different parts of God's word as you go through the year.

Please click the link below to download a free version which you can use to read your Bible daily.

Why I Believe - Personal Testimonials

Personal Story 1

There are numerous reasons as to why I believe that God exists. You just have to look at the breathtaking natural beauty of the earth and its cohesive ecosystems. The intricacy and detail of these things, such as the creatures that inhabit the earth, only point towards a divine creator, with the power to put these things into motion. Looking at current world events, God’s chosen nation Israel, whom He prophesied would be hated and persecuted, are currently at war, and anti-Semitism is rife throughout the world. Historical evidence, such as writings from Josephus and Tacitus refer to God’s only begotten Son Jesus, who was crucified in the early first century AD. You only have to walk around Jerusalem to view sites such as David’s Palace and Hezekiah’s Tunnel, or view artefacts like Sennacherib’s Prism, historical remains that hearken back to Old Testament times of the Bible. All of these factors are reasons as to why I believe in the existence of the one true living God.

Personal Story 2

I believe in God because I can see prophecy in the Bible happening before us in the nation of Israel. They are God’s chosen people and He said they would always remain as a people. Despite numerous empires and nations persecuting them and destroying their homeland they still exist as a nation and it was prophesied that they would return to their land, which happened in 1948.
Other than prophecy I can see how perfectly this world was created. It is in just the right position to sustain life, we have the different seasons, just the right amount of gravity and we are just the right distance from the sun. All of this as well as the complexity of creation in general points to this universe having a designer, it can’t have happened by chance.

Personal Story 3

My faith in God is consolidated everytime I appreciate the natural world around me, the wonder of God's creation. From the smallest creatures to the awe-inspiring scenes of natural beauty. I cannot comprehend how this natural world came about by chance; there must have been a Divine hand at work, fine tuning every minute detail to enable a perfect balance.
Aside from God's creative power, a key reason for my belief is witnessing world events fulfil Bible prophecy. In considering the state of our world, not just with physical conflicts but with the political, social and economic difficulties we experience. I believe there is increasingly more need for God to send his son, Jesus, to bring peace. I am convinced that God will send Jesus to establish His Kingdom, as is prophesied throughout the Bible, based on other prophesies which have been fulfilled, such as the reestablishment of the Jewish nation in the last century.


Longfellow Court, Longfellow Road, Coventry CV2 5DE